March 24, 2011

For All You Naughty Bum Lovers!

I was glancing over the interesting products available in SkinVideo's sex toy store area and low and behold, I found the most adorable "IT" that would finally entice me to insert something into my cute little bum *^_^*
 So I thought I'd share this wonderful little tid-bit with you wonderful folks, so now if you are wondering, curious, or interested in having me try out some anal play, check out this little list of cuteness Click here to see Adorable anal plugs!!!
If you felt it was in your heart to get me one I would love to try it out for the first time with only you in a skype show! So let me know if your interested, I know I am, and please note my ass is a virgin so it would also be my first time, so special!     <3
 I would be more than happy to give anal play a shot if I could have one of these magnificent tails... /drool there so beautiful, and real! Anywho just thought I'd share my excitement (I never thought I would use the word excitement to describe putting something in my about the cutest animal tails in the world, the fox ones are the bestest though!!! Sorry I am having a cute-gasm over these damn tails, I had no idea tails were an option...

March 21, 2011

Axe murder, that funky murder

My mom comes in to inform me this afternoon that in a town near where I live some guy was murdered with an axe. Being the curious sort I ask the full story, and it goes like this...
 Read it all its crazy @_@

And people ask why I dont like to go outside, cause its full of crazies!
Anywho just thought I'd share that bit of oddness with you. ^_^

Gaming sounds good!

 I am always starting/intend to start my posts with the word so, DAMN YOU SO! lol anywho...
 Been relaxing and what-not in an attempt to feel better and its working pretty well, Thanks guys for all your kind words and support this week! <3
 I was thinking of getting some gaming done today, well much later today when I get on cam cause its like 1am lol. But I got my other camera out so if I can finally get the stupid program to work I should be able to PiP and ya can see all the action! Sadly my Nintendo is acting up and I haven't been able to get it to cooperate as I wanted to get my DuckHunt on, but shit happens. That reminds me my mom found a new in box Genesis and was supposed to snag that shit for me I forgot to ask her about that... (Been yearning for some James Pond Robocod ^^;) I suppose me and my little old Xbox can get some achievement whoring on, or shoot some fools. I do have some Achievement cleanup yet to take care of in New Vegas, but regardless of what I play, the plan is to get my game on! That reminds me I haven't checked around for any New Vegas rumors in a while, I should totally go do that...
Anywho I shall leave you with these words of wisdom until our next meeting my lovely friends:
Did you know that Godzilla has Radioactive breath? Well folks true fact! <(^_^ )>

March 19, 2011

Just noticed...

So I was going through my settings and junk and realized my comments were all mean and not letting people say stuff easily, so I fixed it and anyone can comment now, even you wanting to remain anonymous type people! (Though I have it moderated, meaning I have to approve the comments so no one can put mean things like spam.) But hopefully I can get some feed-back on stuff like ideas for my panties and what not. Though it could be that no one has anything to say, and thats okiedokie too, just thought I'd let you guys know that its an option to post comments now with no red tape lol.  ^_~

March 18, 2011

In the hole

So I found out the other day that the big tipper like 2 weeks ago was a credit card fraudster, and now i am in the hole like 1000 tokens on SkinVideo. I mean it could be worse, and I know I wasnt the only girl hit witch really sucks, but It's still a bit of a downer. Knowing your earnings is going to pay off a debt I didn't ask for is a little under motivating. Nonetheless I will continue to work hard to get out of this hole and back to getting paid, because I truly love SkinVideo, and it'll take far more than a little bump in the road to change my mind! <3
On a different note my neck is starting to feel a bit better, at least I can turn my head without crazy-sauce pain. So yeah I guess today could be worse cause I am still in a great mood, and I should have my very own Hitachi magic wand by Tuesday! :D

March 16, 2011

So early and LAME!

 Well damn you too twitter! Always crashing when I am mid yelling nonsense about waking up early and being frustrated about my first, (and hopefully only chargeback) and being extra hungry...
Seriously though, I almost cried when I saw that my great big tips on SkinVideo a little over a week ago had been taken back (Though thank you Kathleen and SkinVideo for responding and explaining the situation to me so quickly. They're truly sweethearts at Skin!) I just feel awful now like I owe them though,  >_<; Ugh I hate my guilty conscience, cause I didn't commit fraud or anything, I just didn't earn the money I already got and I feel bad about getting it, if that makes any sense. I hate early mornings for real though, nothing but bad news and guilty feelings so very not my cup of tea... 

March 15, 2011

*Grumble Grumble*

 So I stayed up way too late, like till 8am this morning, couldn't sleep again and was getting to into some black and white movies on TCM, then there was craziness outside at like noon with crazy people smashing car windows with guns and got woke up by the neighbor freakin out about it, I guess I am just used to that shit, moral of the story I did not get enough booty-sleep T_T and it hasn't done my disposition any favors, meaning I am a tad grouchy (and by tad I mean rather grouchy lol). Anyway trying to get myself awake has been less than effective today, though the shower was a bit of help. I really need to get a new game to play even if its just a cheep junk one cause I haven't just relaxed and played something in over a week /Sigh its a damn shame, I love to game just been rather busy and such these days sadly. But enough of that whining now, I got shizzle to take care of. (though when I got shit to do my friend always has to show up with like no warning so I suppose we'll see if I really get to anything important ^_^;)
 Well that seems like enough of a rant for now, dont you agree? Heheh But Fear Not, I'll Return With More Nonsense, Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel!

And just for fun I'll leave you with a BANANNA!

March 13, 2011

So...Its like the middle of the morning and I cant sleep as usual >_<; but that gives me some time to blather and take some pictures and slap them all over my site!!! Cause I know I love seeing pictures of me everywhere, so thats reason enough to plop em' all over. Anywho I was on SkinVideo earlier this evening and had fun working the Free Show weekend, gonna hop on again later today and do it some more too! Yeah good times... I need to pick up more body oil as well, who'd have thought that being all slimy and shiny could be so sexy and arousing. Well it is! I should attempt to wander off to bed now, ugh trying to fall asleep is soooo lame. <3

March 10, 2011

So I splurged the other day and bought some fun-tastic looking toy's online, I am so excited the suspense is killing me! /Sigh oh well nothing I can do but wait for the mail, though my naughty package should be here by monday, maybe even earlier!
 Oh yeah! I forgot to show you fellas what it is I am waiting for lol, well feast your eyes on these fun beauties!

An adorable paddle for some extra spanking fun, and to give my poor little hand a rest

And some jingling jangling little nipple clippies, for some pinchingly good times!
And yes I broke down and bought the icicles no. 24 and I cant wait till it gets here, my first glass toy and what a cute little tentacle it is! Just perfect for my hentai love 

Oh yeah and I think I got a g-spot vibe as a free gift with my other toys, though I already forget what it looked like ... ^_^;

I feel like a kid waiting for christmas lol, and I want it now!!!

March 7, 2011

Monday madness!!

Ahhh, I am in a wonderful mood my friends, quite fantastic indeed! Had a really fun time last night on SkinVideo, so many great people came to keep me company and it was a cumtastic fun time^_^
 And now that I recieved my new camera I am extra motivated to get some pictures taken and amp up this site!! And show off my random stuff/personality lol. Also trying to figure out what I should purchase, between the most awesome outfit,

and a super awesome looking toy,
Its a super tough decision... 

March 2, 2011


Woot I had a lot of fun today, had a few beers and just hung out. Hopefully my new non defective cam will be here within the week too! I'm all jazzed up to make some fun themed picture sets and some naughty videos to raffle off or something ^_^ I love good days! <3