May 18, 2011

What I been up to

Hey guys, I'm finally updating my blog, I know it's been awhile. So what have I been up to lately, well let me think… I recently got the new Mortal Kombat game and I must say it is fantastic! I've been playing the hell out of it and loving every minute, though I have been a bit irresponsible playing games all hours of the day at night and not getting much work done, but I just can't help it, it's super addictive and reminds me so much of the original trilogy. 
And to make matters worse the new downloadable content for fallout New Vegas came out yesterday and I have been up all night playing it. I've been waiting for it since mid December, and finally its here! Fallout is one of my favorite games, and I have been dying to continue my couriers story. 
I really need to stop staying up all night though, it's really screwing up my schedule, sleep and work. But I've been having so much fun, and it's just so hard to pry myself away. That reminds me, I also lightened my hair about a week ago, it's a very lovely pale gold and I'm really enjoying it. Though I will probably go back to red in a few weeks as I do love it more than anything else. Gotta get some pictures together and post them to show off my pretty new do.
Moral of this story is I'm sorry I haven't been around too much lately, and I promise I'll make up for it! Just Gotta stop letting those pesky games get in the way. Well it's getting on towards 7:00 AM and I really need to get my butt to bed, before the sun comes up, or all the way up at least. LOL Hope everyone has a nice morning/afternoon, and hopefully I can get on cam tonight and have a super saucy time to make up for my absence. 

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