June 11, 2011


Its a word, don't question me! Yeah its 10am and I am awake, been sleeping sooo backwards and its just getting more askew. Witch isint a bad thing, its not like I have anywhere to be, but confusing none the less, I am just accustomed to being alive at certain times and 8-12am is sooo not one of them. I don't know what to do with myself, my precious routine lol.
I was getting my Lexx on but got distracted and wandered away. I need to work on MortalKombat still have a long way to go in the challenge tower, but not feelin it today.
I need to make some sextacular videos too, well not need but want, yet the mood hasn't thusly stroked me. Sadface! Hopefully soon I'll either sleep or at least do something, feels like a tiny lady in a big lady robot "Move hoe!" but big robo-lady is dumb! ^_^;

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