April 2, 2011

Spring Cleaning Bitches!!!

 For whatever reason I was compelled to clean the heck out of my apartment, my room in particular. :)
 It took the better part of the past two days but it was a fanfucking-tastic idea, loving the new feel of the room and all the extra space kicks so much ass! On the downside I re-pulled my shoulder/neck muscle and am bruised and sore all over. XD At one point I dropped a desk on my bare foot twice lol (I get a little crazy when I clean) so my foot is a bit tenderized and whatnot. The whole apartment looks and feels 100x better and thats what counts ;P
I feel like I have been totally slacking somehow, having too much fun always makes me feel a bit guilty... All this cleaning and hard work was supposed to alleviate the slacker feeling but it seems to have been ineffective. Guess I just need to get back to the nitty gritty. Though thats a little trick in itself as I am in the process of getting a new account for my favorite site to work on, so I have to wait a few days on that for approval and such. Though I do have other sites I just get scared to log on MFC cause if no one I know is online it tends to be really quiet lol and my cam score dives. But when it does liven up it is tons of freakin fun...
GLARGH, I need to stop analyzing things so much and just do shit, lol like Nike always said: JUST DO IT!
 On that note I think my ice-pack has refrozen so I am to get back to icing my wounds ^_^; Hope to see you all very soon <3

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