March 15, 2011

*Grumble Grumble*

 So I stayed up way too late, like till 8am this morning, couldn't sleep again and was getting to into some black and white movies on TCM, then there was craziness outside at like noon with crazy people smashing car windows with guns and got woke up by the neighbor freakin out about it, I guess I am just used to that shit, moral of the story I did not get enough booty-sleep T_T and it hasn't done my disposition any favors, meaning I am a tad grouchy (and by tad I mean rather grouchy lol). Anyway trying to get myself awake has been less than effective today, though the shower was a bit of help. I really need to get a new game to play even if its just a cheep junk one cause I haven't just relaxed and played something in over a week /Sigh its a damn shame, I love to game just been rather busy and such these days sadly. But enough of that whining now, I got shizzle to take care of. (though when I got shit to do my friend always has to show up with like no warning so I suppose we'll see if I really get to anything important ^_^;)
 Well that seems like enough of a rant for now, dont you agree? Heheh But Fear Not, I'll Return With More Nonsense, Same Bat Time Same Bat Channel!

And just for fun I'll leave you with a BANANNA!

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