March 10, 2011

So I splurged the other day and bought some fun-tastic looking toy's online, I am so excited the suspense is killing me! /Sigh oh well nothing I can do but wait for the mail, though my naughty package should be here by monday, maybe even earlier!
 Oh yeah! I forgot to show you fellas what it is I am waiting for lol, well feast your eyes on these fun beauties!

An adorable paddle for some extra spanking fun, and to give my poor little hand a rest

And some jingling jangling little nipple clippies, for some pinchingly good times!
And yes I broke down and bought the icicles no. 24 and I cant wait till it gets here, my first glass toy and what a cute little tentacle it is! Just perfect for my hentai love 

Oh yeah and I think I got a g-spot vibe as a free gift with my other toys, though I already forget what it looked like ... ^_^;

I feel like a kid waiting for christmas lol, and I want it now!!!

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